First — yes, my last name really is Milkowski, emphasis on the milk of course.

I’m a unschooling mother of two boys, one born in 2012 and the other in 2016. I’m also a Houston-based Birth Boot Camp instructor, placenta specialist, public speaker, and author. Formerly, I served as a birth doula (for nearly 5 years) and as director of Intact Houston (8 years). My current area of focus is on clinical lactation studies to become a certified IBCLC.

Feel welcome to check out my birth services at Your Labor Neighbor and follow the Mama’s Milk, No Chaser Facebook page.

I started this blog in 2014 as an outlet for writing about my personal breastfeeding experiences, which spanned late 2012 to mid-2022. Many years ago, I never would’ve guessed I’d end up spending nearly a decade breastfeeding!

Here’s my favorite part of the journey: a nursing parent shares the very best of their love and the utmost of their spirit and body with their children, even after the milk runs dry. This is how babies were designed to first learn about love — through human connection, touch, and compassion; through an act most arguably exemplary of and definitive of nourishment itself. Yet, even after weaning, children enjoy a continued expression of the parent’s love in endless forms.

I don’t think there’s one way a nursing journey should look. But here I share how it has looked for me, and also introduce you to the many beautiful ways other folks nourish their children with human milk.

Some topics I’ve touched upon in my writings include:

  • tandem nursing
  • sleep nursing
  • breastfeeding during pregnancy
  • introducing solids while breastfeeding
  • full-term nursing (child-led weaning)
  • public breastfeeding
  • breastfeeding with a vegan diet
  • traveling while breastfeeding
  • donating breast milk

…and dealing with some obstacles like:

  • thrush
  • oversupply
  • clogged ducts
  • recurrent mastitis
  • nursing aversion
  • setting breastfeeding boundaries
  • family/stranger disapproval & harassment
  • pumping struggles
  • bad advice from medical professionals

I also write a bit about other peaceful parenting topics like cosleeping, genital autonomy, and raising little vegans.

Since my youngest (and final) nursling weaned, I’ve decided to no longer publish new posts on this blog as I focus on preparing to become an IBCLC. For now, I share about pregnancy, birth, postpartum and more on my other blog here.

Thank you for reading, commenting, and sharing!

Holly M.

© Mama’s Milk, No Chaser, 2012-present. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material (including original images) is prohibited without express and written permission from the site owner and author (Holly Milkowski). Sharing/distributing content is encouraged when using direct links to the original source (, but is forbidden when reproduced in part or in whole. In other words, please share — but don’t copy!